Disabilities Act covers websites, says Nat’l Council

July 22, 2003 — Does the Americans with Disabilities Act apply to commercial and private websites? Yes, says the National Council on Disability.

“The question …is not whether the ADA applies to the Internet, but whether its application is going to be managed in an orderly way, so as to minimize costs and maximize benefits for all, or whether, under the pretext of deregulation, we are going to leave the process to inconsistency, chaos and fear.”

The Council is an independent federal agency making recommendations to the President and Congress on disability policy. NCD first proposed and then drafted the original Americans with Disabilities Act.

“The ADA provides equal opportunity in employment, public accommodations, transportation, government services and telecommunications for individuals with disabilities,” the NCD notes in a policy paper released July 10. “The law, which requires government websites to be accessible to people with disabilities, should be equally applicable to commercial and private websites.” The paper goes on to spell out exactly why this is, examining government policy and relevant case law.

The Dept. of Justice, it notes, has argued for coverage of the Internet under Title III of the ADA in several amicus briefs and… has negotiated or approved several complaint settlements supporting access in cases involving non-physical location issues such as brokerage or credit card statement accessibility.

“A number of opponents of internet access have charged that the law does not specifically mention the Internet,” says the Council. They point out that reading the law “to exclude the Internet, when the Internet never existed and Congress never thought of it one way or the other at the time it passed the ADA, would be analogous to holding that freedom of speech does not extend to movies since movies were not mentioned in the First Amendment, or that the Fourth Amendment could not apply to the privacy of telephone conversations because telephone wires do not come within the ordinary meaning of the words ‘persons, papers and effects’ used in the Fourth Amendment.”

“By and large, the courts have not been friendly toward ADA plaintiffs alleging job discrimination,” says the paper, “and many of the cases upholding the employer’s right to refuse a job or to refuse an accommodation are harsh, but nowhere in the litany of reasons advanced in these court decisions for why workers with disabilities should be rebuffed is there a suggestion that Internet-oriented or Web-based performance issues or work settings are per se off-limits to the law’s reasonable accommodation and nondiscrimination requirements.”

Much of the argument, both for and against applicability of the ADA to the Internet, “appears to involve people talking past one another,” says NCD.

“In the past we have been used to talking about the digital divide,” says the Council. “The time has come to rephrase our inquiry, and to embrace the digital future for Americans with disabilities as fully as we have sought to grasp it for the population as a whole.

The paper explains the practical and economic arguments that should guide those who may be called upon to apply the law, and recommends strategies for implementing website accessibility without disruption and with benefit to consumers and businesses alike.

Read When The Americans With Disabilities Act Goes Online: Application of the ADA to the Internet and the Worldwide Web

Also read the NCD’s Righting the ADA

Mark Quigley, Director of Communications
National Council on Disability

EXPERTS IN web access:

The Georgia Institute of Technology’s Center for Assistive Technology & Environmental Access formed the Information Technology Technical Assistance & Training Center to promote the development of accessible electronic & information technology. Reach them at 1-866-948-8282 (Voice/TTY) or by email at webmaster@ittatc.org.

Judy Brewer
Director of the World Wide Web Consortium
Web Access Initiative

Brewer’s group develops web guidelines, conducts education and outreach on Web-accessibility solutions.

Kate Vanderheiden
Trace Research and Development Center
at the University of Wisconsin/Madison

Pam Gregory
Disabilities Issues Task Force
Federal Communications Commission
202/418-2498 or 202/418-1169 (TTY)
Email: pgregory@fcc.gov

The following sites contain information that may be of interest. Please bear in mind that the information at these sites is not controlled by the Center for An Accessible society. Links to these sites do not imply that the Center supports either the organizations or the views presented.

One of the best overviews of the issue of web access we’ve found is the article “Locking Out the Disabled,” from PC World magazine’s September, 2000 issue. Lots of good links, too.Learn how Georgia Tech’s Center for Rehabilitation Technology’s assistivetech.net site was made accessible athttp://www.assistivetech.net/about/accessibility.cfm

Judith M. Dixon, Ph.D., Consumer Relations Officer for the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped has written “Levelling The Road Ahead,” a set of “Guidelines For The Creation Of WWW Pages Accessible To Blind And Visually Handicapped Users” — online athttp://www.rit.edu/~easi/itd/itdv02n4/article6.html

A rather comprehensive set of links for accessible website authoring can be found at http://www.makoa.org/web-desi.htm

All of Camera Obscura’s index of academic and scholarly resources are either easily navigatable with speech or have been extensively re-indexed so that the information they contain is easily and immediately accessible via speech-synthesis and/or text-based access. This document also contains speech-friendly submission forms for many standard reference works, as well as telephone and address directories and resources which are easily navigated using speech-synthesis and a text-based browser.

“Designing a More Usable World for All,” from the Trace Center


Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

Fact Sheet for “Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

Web Content Accessibility Guideline Checkpoints
“Advocates of People With Disabilities Take Online Stores to Task” from the Jan. 1. New York Times

Story about new guidelines from The Associated Press.

The Digital Divide and People with Disabilities

Quick tips on making websites accessible from the Web Access Initiative

National disability groups file brief in support of web access

Nov. 4, 2003 — Ten national disability rights groups are filing a friend-of-the-court brief today in Miami urging the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit to ensure that the World Wide Web is accessible to persons with disabilities.

Last October U.S. District Court Judge Patricia Seitz in Miami, Florida ruled that the Americans with Disabilities Act does not apply to the on-line services of Southwest Airlines. “To expand the ADA to cover ‘virtual’ spaces would be to create new rights without well-defined standards,” wrote Judge Seitz in her ruling.

The groups filing the brief are asking the three-judge appellate panel to overrule the Seitz ruling. Websites can be made accessible with very little expense and without compromising creative design, say the groups in their brief. “Making the Web accessible to people with disabilities is not difficult, and includes such things as designing and generating web pages so that information is available to a wide range of people, including those who may be unable to hear audible content; who may be unable to use a mouse because of a physical impairment; or who access the Web using software that reads the content of a web page out loud to persons who cannot see the screen content.”

The case, Access Now v. Southwest Airlines., will be argued in the Court of Appeals on November 6 in Miami.

Read the brief online

The Americans with Disabilities Act does cover the Internet, says the National Council on Disability. Read NCD Report.

Fewer than half of federal and state websites meet World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standards on web access. Read Taubman Center report

W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0

Section 508

EXPERTS IN web access:

The Georgia Institute of Technology’s Center for Assistive Technology & Environmental Access formed the Information Technology Technical Assistance & Training Center to promote the development of accessible electronic & information technology. Reach them at 1-866-948-8282 (Voice/TTY) or by email at webmaster@ittatc.org.

Judy Brewer
Director of the World Wide Web Consortium
Web Access Initiative

Brewer’s group develops web guidelines, conducts education and outreach on Web-accessibility solutions.

Kate Vanderheiden
Trace Research and Development Center
at the University of Wisconsin/Madison

Pam Gregory
Disabilities Issues Task Force
Federal Communications Commission
202/418-2498 or 202/418-1169 (TTY)
Email: pgregory@fcc.gov

Government websites still have access problems, says report

Sept. 30, 2003 — The fourth annual survey of federal and state websites by Brown University’s Taubman Center for Public Policy finds that fewer than half the federal websites meet World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standards on web access. Less than a fourth meet the federal requirements for access under Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act.

State websites, said the report, were even worse when it came to access: Only a third meet W3C standards.

“This year, we altered our test of disability access by examining the actual accessibility of government websites, not just claims of accessibility,” said resesarchers. In the past, said researchers, they had relied on agencies’ own claims on their websites that they were accessible — but this year, they “used the online ‘Bobby’ service at http://bobby.watchfire.com to test actual accessibility.”

“There are some agencies that indicate on their website that they are in compliance with the Bobby standard yet do not pass the test,” said the researchers. “These agencies include the South Caroline Dept of Education, the North Carolina Division of Aging, the Delaware Dept of Revenue, the Georgia Dept of Education, and the North Dakota’s Governor’s office. It is possible that these sites were in compliance at one point in time, but that later changes to the site removed them from compliance. As we suggest in our conclusion, it would be useful for agencies to list the date of Bobby compliance so visitors know when the site passed the test.”

Yet North Dakota — and Kansas — ranked highest among states with accessible government websites; New Jersey, says the report, has no accessible government sites.

The report also looked at websites’ usability and functionality for all visitors; they found most sites are written at a level too high for most Americans’ reading comprehension.

Read the Taubman Center report

W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0

Section 508

EXPERTS IN web access:

The Georgia Institute of Technology’s Center for Assistive Technology & Environmental Access formed the Information Technology Technical Assistance & Training Center to promote the development of accessible electronic & information technology. Reach them at 1-866-948-8282 (Voice/TTY) or by email at webmaster@ittatc.org.

Judy Brewer
Director of the World Wide Web Consortium
Web Access Initiative

Brewer’s group develops web guidelines, conducts education and outreach on Web-accessibility solutions.

Kate Vanderheiden
Trace Research and Development Center
at the University of Wisconsin/Madison

Pam Gregory
Disabilities Issues Task Force
Federal Communications Commission
202/418-2498 or 202/418-1169 (TTY)
Email: pgregory@fcc.gov

The following sites contain information that may be of interest. Please bear in mind that the information at these sites is not controlled by the Center for An Accessible society. Links to these sites do not imply that the Center supports either the organizations or the views presented.

One of the best overviews of the issue of web access we’ve found is the article “Locking Out the Disabled,” from PC World magazine’s September, 2000 issue. Lots of good links, too.Learn how Georgia Tech’s Center for Rehabilitation Technology’s assistivetech.net site was made accessible athttp://www.assistivetech.net/about/accessibility.cfm

Judith M. Dixon, Ph.D., Consumer Relations Officer for the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped has written “Levelling The Road Ahead,” a set of “Guidelines For The Creation Of WWW Pages Accessible To Blind And Visually Handicapped Users” — online athttp://www.rit.edu/~easi/itd/itdv02n4/article6.html

A rather comprehensive set of links for accessible website authoring can be found at http://www.makoa.org/web-desi.htm

All of Camera Obscura’s index of academic and scholarly resources are either easily navigatable with speech or have been extensively re-indexed so that the information they contain is easily and immediately accessible via speech-synthesis and/or text-based access. This document also contains speech-friendly submission forms for many standard reference works, as well as telephone and address directories and resources which are easily navigated using speech-synthesis and a text-based browser.

“Designing a More Usable World for All,” from the Trace Center


Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

Fact Sheet for “Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0”

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

Web Content Accessibility Guideline Checkpoints
“Advocates of People With Disabilities Take Online Stores to Task” from the Jan. 1. New York Times

Story about new guidelines from The Associated Press.

The Digital Divide and People with Disabilities

Quick tips on making websites accessible from the Web Access Initiative

Website access rules

Commentary by Deborah Kaplan

Executive Director of the World Institute on Disability.

Each of us has heard — time and again — that we have entered the ‘information age’. Countless news and magazine articles remind any of us who haven’t already figured it out that information has become the most important commodity. It follows, then, that access to this information will determine who survives and who thrives in the 21st century.With the plethora of sources available to us — from the print and broadcast media to the Internet — it would seem that all of us have access to more information than we could possibly take in. Surprisingly, though, there are many Americans who don’t have ready or easy access to one of the most important tools used today to convey information — the telephone and its various ancillary services.

Imagine you are deaf and you hold a job in a typical office. An important client has just left you a voicemail message. A large contract is involved, and the information is time-sensitive. The problem is, the only way to retrieve the voicemail is through a co-worker, and right now everyone is tied up in a top-priority meeting.

This could happen, because when you’re deaf, your company’s voicemail system is probably inaccessible to you. Yes, you have a TTY (teletype telecommunications device) at your desk; yes, you can call an 800 number to reach an operator who can type most spoken conversations into text for you. But most relay operators can’t type fast enough to keep up with today’s voicemail systems.

This kind of problem besets deaf people in white-collar professions across the country, and affects the job prospects of countless deaf and hearing impaired job seekers.

Commentators have questioned the effectiveness of the employment provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act. While there is no question that this is an important issue, there are numerous other factors also affecting the employability of people with disabilities. New groundbreaking rules just issued by the Federal Communications Commission will help eradicate some of these factors.

The new rules implement Section 255 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996. They will result in communications systems deaf people can use. This won’t even require much re-working of existing technology. But it will make a profound difference for deaf people who want to hold jobs, which in return can increase overall employment and productivity, which is good for all Americans.

The new rules will make telecommunications products and services more usable for people with other kinds of disabilities, too. FCC Chairman William Kennard deserves much of the credit for making the connection between access to technology for persons with disabilities and their ability to compete for jobs. His leadership has been instrumental in steering these important regulations through the FCC.

Some industry interests are grumbling about the new rules — the additional expense, the need for redesign. But experience has demonstrated time and again that accommodations required

Deborah Kaplan is Director of the World Institute on Disability

Making Web sites accessible

To see how the Center for An Accessible Society’s home page would look if you were using a text-only web browser such as Lynx, look at it in Lynx-view.

Business Week Online assistive technology columnist John Williams talks with Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer about the June 21 deadline for website access — and the business opportunity it is presenting. Read column.

The website of the San Francisco-based Rose Resnick LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired has been designed with blind viewers in mind.The redesigned website is both visually attractive and fully accessible. Developed by San Francisco marketing communications firm Wessling Creative, the new LightHouse website uses vivid colors, ebullient graphics and colorful photos.

“It’s bold, it’s bright, it’s digital Braille,” said Tony Wessling, founder and Chief Creative Officer of Wessling Creative. “We’re very proud to have built a beautiful site for the LightHouse that can be enjoyed by people using screen reader software, refreshable Braille displays, screen magnification programs or your ordinary web browser.”

Making Web sites accessible is just common sense. One in five Americans has some disability; as the country ages, that percentage is expected to increase. A Web site that’s navigable by an assistive technology such as a screen reader is also accessible by phones and palmtops, not to mention by old, slow computers. Read reporter Judy Heim’s overview of online accessibility in the September, 2000 PC World online.

Web access rules take effect June 21.
Starting June 21, electronic and information technology products and services that federal agencies buy must meet new accessibility standards. Federal agencies must also follow these standards. This includes computers and Internet websites.

It’s part of Section 508 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act which was revised in 1998. The section spells out, for the first time, standards for developing accessible web pages.

Considering the number of people who use the Internet who need a way to listen to text and navigate with voice, web accessibility makes sense. An article in the May 21 Federal Computer Week gives a good overview of the issue. The National Park Service has a number of links to valuable accessibility resources including simplified version of the guidelines athttp://www.nps.gov/access/target.htm If you’re a web developer, JAWS For Windows has a trial version you can download to test how your site sounds to text-to-voice screen readers, at http://www.hj.com/JAWS/JAWS.html AndBobby, a free service provided by the Center for Applied Special Technology, can help web page authors identify and repair significant barriers to access by individuals with disabilities.

Does the Americans with Disabilities Act apply to the Internet? Severallaws govern accessibility of websites.

What are the implications of requiring the Internet to be accessible to everyone?

While opponents of access claim it is costly to provide access, in fact the opposite is true: It is the added-on graphics and other showy displays of sound and animation that are costly — both to produce and to maintain.

Basic access is built into the architecture of the World Wide Web and has been since the infancy of the internet, as Judy Brewer of the World Wide Web consortium can explain.

But even sites that today operate with high-end graphics and sound displays can easily be made accessible. Accessible sites have many advantages:

  • Many websurfers today eagerly look for a “text-only” link on a home page, or simply turn off the graphics option on their browser so sites will load faster and they can avoid the screaming ad-based content of graphics-bloated sites.
  • As personal digital assistants become more popular, text-based content becomes important. (Because the screens on such devices are so small, graphics will probably never be a viable option.)
  • The busy executive waiting in an airport who wants to check her stock portfolio on her cell phone isn’t going to turn to a graphics-only site.
  • With the growth of voice technology, the harried commuter can have the headlines from his favorite news site read to him as he drives — but only if there is a text-based version.
  • Ever try to find a particular scene from your favorite video by pushing — and re-pushing — the “fast forward” button, then the “replay,” over and over? If digitized video had synchronized captions, its text could be searched instantaneously. That’s another benefit of access.What does the law mean by “accessible’?

    The World Wide Web Consortium, the W3C, is working to ensuring that core technologies of the Web support accessibility.Making multimedia websites accessible

    EXPERTS IN web access:

    The Georgia Institute of Technology’s Center for Assistive Technology & Environmental Access formed the Information Technology Technical Assistance & Training Center to promote the development of accessible electronic & information technology. Reach them at 1-866-948-8282 (Voice/TTY) or by email at webmaster@ittatc.org.

    Judy Brewer
    Director of the World Wide Web Consortium
    Web Access Initiative

    Brewer’s group develops web guidelines, conducts education and outreach on Web-accessibility solutions.

    Kate Vanderheiden
    Trace Research and Development Center
    at the University of Wisconsin/Madison

    Pam Gregory
    Disabilities Issues Task Force
    Federal Communications Commission
    202/418-2498 or 202/418-1169 (TTY)
    Email: pgregory@fcc.gov